My top 5 favourite yoga asanas

Yoga is so good for our bodies, minds and spirits! I love to practice Yoga almost every day. This is why I researched a bit more about my favourite Yoga Asanas and their health benefits. Here I am sharing with you what I found out…

Warrior 1 – Virabhadrasana I

The Warrior I is a great pose for hectic days at work and additional relaxation of our bodies and minds. While in this pose we are strengthening our legs, we also are opening our chest and shoulders, movements which we usually don’t do throughout our day, but they are necessary for a good posture and peaceful mind. The effects out of this posture are incredibly: it strengthens the muscles of our knees and feet, it stretches our shoulders and spine, and it improves our focus.


Bridge – Bandha Sarvangasana

A great front hip joints opener, which also strengthens our spine, opens the chest, and improves our spinal flexibility in addition to stimulating our thyroid. This pose brings many benefits to our bodies, such as the relief from stress, anxiety, insomnia and it can help with depression.

King Dancer – Natarajasana

The King Dancer yoga pose strengthens our legs, improves balance and core strength while also stretches our shoulders and improves our focus. It is one of the most graceful asanas.


Chair – Utkatasana

The Chair yoga position tones our leg muscles, strengthens our hip reflexors, ankles, calves and back. It stretches the chest and shoulders. It reduces symptoms of flat feet and it stimulates our heart, diaphragm, and abdominal organs


Boat – Navasana

The Boat yoga requires for one to be stable (as a boat) which means, straight back, chin looking forward, while knees and arms are locked. This is not an easy posture. Through it we build strong abdominal and core straight. POWER!

What are your favourite Yoga Asanas? 🙂 Share it in the comments or let’s connect on Instagram!

IG: cosmiclila27